Tuesday 16 February 2010

How to Sculpt the Perfect Six Pack

By Kim Roach

Strong Abs help prevent injury, strengthen your back, and
increase athletic performance. Not to mention, they're just plain

However, in a world of instant gratification, it's not so easy to
obtain the body of your dreams. The media is constantly attacking
you with thousands of lies, trying to send you messages about
what you should eat, when you should eat, and where you should

Stop with the nonsense! To sculpt the perfect six pack, you must
inform yourself on the best practices for creating that body.

Pop all the pills you want. Slap on the latest diet pill. Ride
the latest diet of the month.

It doesn't matter. If you are eating more than you're burning,
you will continue to gain body fat.

So, what's the key to long term permanent fat loss?

Proper nutrition and Increased Activity....

The first step to getting six pack abs is losing body fat. This
is the most important factor in developing sexy six-pack abs.
Your six pack will never shine through if it's covered with a
layer of fat. Some of the best cardio exercises for losing fat
are running, biking, jumping rope, aerobics, and climbing stairs.
Start doing any of these activities for 30 minutes at least 4-5
days a week and you will quickly start to see changes in your

To gain a sculpted six pack, you will also need to do some weight
lifting. Your weight lifting routine should be done about 3 days
per week. With more muscle, your metabolism will increase and
begin to burn more calories all day long, even while you're

The next step in sculpting your abs is to properly train them.
Many people make the mistake of overusing and abusing the crunch.
If you do nothing but floor crunches, your abs will never reach
their maximum potential.

You should do a variety of different

ab exercises [http://www.healthyeveryday.com/nutrition/Ab-Exercises.shtml] as well as lower back exercises.

Some of the best abdominal exercises include:

crunches of various types
weighted crunches
twisting crunch
kneeling cable rope crunch
side crunch
reverse crunch
reverse crunch on an incline slant board
hip lift hanging knee-ups
hanging leg raises
Janda Sit Ups
Ab Wheel
Bicycle Crunch

The stability ball is also a great exercise tool for sculpting
great abs. It allows you to call on a wide variety of additional
muscles. This is due to all of the stabilizer muscles that have
to kick in. You also get an extra 15 degrees in range of motion
doing crunches on a stability ball. Here are some good ab
exercises that can be done using the stability ball:

stability ball crunches

stability ball side crunches

stability ball reverse crunches

By incorporating a variety of exercises, you will hit all of the
different abdominal

muscles, including the upper abs, lower abs, obliques, transverse
abdominis, and lower back. However, keep in mind that there are
a few guidelines you should follow when working your abs.

Work your abs about 3 days a week. Like any other muscle in your
body, your abdominals grow while they are at rest. Working them
everyday doesn't give them a chance to grow and get strong.
Proper rest is very important to develop strong muscles.

Pick different exercises every workout. There are literally
hundreds of different ab exercises, allowing you to target all of
the different abdominal muscles as well as the supporting muscles
of the lower back and transverse abdominis. By adding variety to
your ab workouts, your abs will continue to grow after each
workout. Do the same ol' workout every time and you will soon hit
a plateau because the body is built to adapt.

Do your workouts in sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. Focus on
quality rather than quantity.

Make every movement count and take it slow. This is the best way
to chisel those abs.

There is no quick fix. There is no secret. But with steady
dedication, you will soon be on your way to rock-hard abs.

To find out more info go to: www.howtosculptabs.cjb.net

Monday 25 January 2010

Get Ripped - Secrets of Sculpted Abs

By Vivian Quinn

Did you know that all force generated by your upper and lower body muscles, either originates, is stabilized by, or is transferred through the trunk and lower torso? The body's center of gravity, can be thought of as an imaginary point around which your weight is distributed evenly. Your center of gravity is located in the lower torso area as well.

The greatest cause of mind-boggling frustration when it comes to obtaining the perfect abs, is misinformation and unrealistic expectations, and this could be very well what is keeping you from achieving your goals in obtaining a sculpted six-pack.

People still cling to old fashion and improper techniques to get their desired washboard stomach. So in this article we will sort through all those myths surrounding your abdominal muscles, and get you on the road to developing the sculpted perfect set of abs that will wow others, whether you're a man or a woman.

One of the biggest myths about abdominal exercises, is that they will remove the fat of your midsection. Fact is that spot reducing doesn't really work, basically because the body dumps excess weight systematically and holistically, not one part of the body at a time. So you will first need to remove excess fat on your stomach in order to see your abs defined, and the only way you'll be able to do this is by reducing your calorie intake and adding proper cardiovascular exercise your routine.

Even if you do thousands of sit-ups every day, the end result will be that you will get sore. Sure you'll develop muscles, but they will be hidden under your belly fat. However if you do 30 minutes of cardio, you can easily burn 300 to 500 calories and get rid of the fat that it's hiding your stomach muscles.

Another popular myth is that you can eat all sorts of junk food, as long as you do abdominal exercises. Basically what makes us fat is the total amount of calories eaten within a given period, so if the number of calories you intake is greater than the number of calories you are burning, those extra calories will make themselves known in the form of fat. It doesn't really matter how many abdominal exercises and crunches you do you won't burn these extra calories without proper cardio.

Another common myth some believe is they should not do any abdominal exercises until get their ideal body weight. In reality you should follow a weight resistance regimen, that includes ab exercises in order to reach your ideal body weight. You can't only diet and expect to have the body of your dreams. Working out each body part will increase your muscle mass and raise your metabolic rate,

Some people mistakenly believe that you have to train your abdominal muscles every day if you want a six-pack. Abdominal muscle training can be overdone, just as training for any other part of the body. Any time you exercise muscles, their tissue breaks down, consequently you need to give those muscle enough rest and recuperation in order to regenerate. If you choose to train your abdominal muscles every day, you're over-training will result in diminished gains, excessive soreness and minimal results. You may also get a bad case of diarrhea.

The other big myth you often hear about abdominal exercises is that you will have to do a lot of reps while training. Abdominal muscles are not physiologically different from any other muscle. So excess of reps will not increase the efficiency of your workout. More is not better when it comes to training, your body and your abdominal muscles need proper rest, or you will be over-training and your workouts will be counter-productive.

Sometimes you hear a man and woman should train their abs differently. That idea is absolutely wrong. As a woman your muscles are the same as a man's muscles. They are trained the same way, by using resistance. So as a woman, if you want to build a lean, sexy midriff, then you will have to eat correctly, follow a cardiovascular program, and train your abs using the same exercises a man would. When it comes to abdominal exercises we do not separate the crunch for a woman and a man.

Another myth regarding abdominal exercises is that it will take years to develop perfect abs, so why bother. The answer is that no it won't. Everyone has abdominals, and with the right plan to reduce fat, you can see them. How fast people achieve a six-pack is based on a few things. The primary component is how much fat is currently surrounding your abdominal muscles. If you're 200 pounds overweight it will take longer to develop your abs, but it can be surely done. Obviously if you have less body fat around your abs, then your results come faster.

The most critical thing in developing your abs is following an effective ab training program, eat correctly, and following a good cardiovascular program, along with weight training. When it comes to getting a sculpted six-pack, you need to stay on track and remain consistent, not miss workouts or make up rules to skip exercises along the way. If you keep to the program you will see results.

To find out more info go to: www.howtosculptabs.cjb.net

Thursday 21 January 2010

3 Exercises to Get Perfect Abs Fast

By John Davenport

How to get perfect abs? I get asked that question often. The answer is of course a combination of proper diet and killer fat burning exercises.

The perfect abs exercise does 1 of 2 things if not both of them: it cuts down on body fat and belly flab, it develops the abs muscles quickly. The regular sit up isn't a good abs exercise since it doesn't burn a lot of fat and it hardly influences the abs muscles.

However, it's easy to come up with some exercises to make up a perfect abs workout which you can even do at home with almost no fitness equipment. This article will describe 3 exercises to get great abs fast:

1. Jumping rope - Don't laugh because this children's play is one of the most awesome exercises there is to be found to develop upper body muscles, improve cardiovascular ability, and cut down on body fat. When you jump rope your stomach muscles are always contracted, so this also develops the belly muscles.

2. The weighted sit up - One way to make a sit up much more effective is to do it with weights. You can either hold a weight behind your neck or press it to your chest when your doing the sit up. Make sure you're using a weight which still allows you freedom of movement, and also make sure that you don't strain your neck but keep it straight at all times. This will develop your abdominal muscles very quickly.

3. The knees to chest jump - Jumping and bringing your knees to your chest has 2 advantages which make it a perfect abs exercise: it burns a lot of calories, especially if you do it quickly and by bringing your knees to your chest your crunching down on your stomach muscles working them as well. You're basically killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Now, if you're not fit enough to bring your knees close to your chest you can still do this exercise and try to do the best that you can. With time you'll improve.

Do these 3 exercises to create a perfect abs workout for you to do at home.

To find out more info go to: www.howtosculptabs.cjb.net

Friday 15 January 2010

Flat Stomach Workouts For the Perfect Abs

By Tony Gates

Tired of spending hours everyday trying to get that perfect abs? Or simply just want to maintain your healthy and sexy figure? Get up and start these three easy flat stomach workouts - the secrets to firm and perfectly toned abs.

Basically your abdomen muscles are divided into oblique, upper abs and the lower abs. Each section has appropriate exercise to effectively eliminate abdominal fats and retain its smooth muscle.

One perfect home workout for the external and internal oblique or the love handle is the cross crunch. On a mat, lie down on your back and set your left knee on a rest while the right on a bent to create a 90-degree angle with the flat surface. Raise the left leg and position it with your ankle on top of the right knee. Lace your hands together behind your head and do cross crunches by tightening the abdomen while keeping the lower back at rest on the mat. Lift off the floor by taking a shift from the right to the left elbow, which should still be touching the floor. The shoulder and the right arm are in a twist to bring the elbow close to the left knee as possible. Put your body back into its original position gradually.

Another basic home abs exercise which targets the upper abdominal muscle is the basic crunch. This is done by lying on your back and having your knees bent with feet resting on the floor. The hands should be positioned at the back of your ears; and the lower back should stay flat on the floor as your shoulders curl forward. Gently lift your head, shoulders and upper back. Breathe in as the stomach abs is tensed and breathe out as you lift.

Considering rectus abdomens as one long muscle, reverse crunch may work not just for the lower abs but also for the upper stomach. As you lie on the floor, set your hands flat at each side of your body. Pull up your knees reaching the chest to create a 90-degree bend. Keep your feet together or crossed as you curl your hips and stretch the legs up to the ceiling. Return to the original position and repeat the process for 12 to 16 times.

To find out more info go to: www.howtosculptabs.cjb.net

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Ab Exercises – How to Sculpt Your Perfect Abs

By Tom Gifford

Have you ever tried doings lots of ab exercises, but did not get the fat loss benefit you wanted? If so, you are not the only one.

In this article, you are going to learn how doing lots of ab exercises will not…I repeat…will not guarantee that you get the toned sexy waistline that you are striving for.

Losing fat around the midsection by doing nothing but ab exercises is a near futile effort. Why is this? It seems like there are so many “ab exercise” miracle products out there that promise you will look like a movie star in only 20 minutes, 3 times per week. That is just an example, but you get the point.

Here are 5 killer tips for getting your abs into tip top shape.

1. Doing lots of exercises for your abs won’t make you lose fat.

This goes against the common thought that you need to do lots of ab exercises in order to lose fat. The truth is fat loss comes from a synergistic approach involving total body strength training, a certain type of cardio called interval training, and a diet that is conducive to reaching your goals.

Trying to only work your abs to lose fat is trying to “spot reduce.” Spot reduction refers to the effort of working the muscle underneath the fat you want to lose, hoping that will tone up that area. Unfortunately, this is not the case! If you are going to lose fat, you are going to lose fat in the same proportion all over your body. So if you want to get great abs and lose fat, shift your focus away from just ab exercises and more towards a holistic approach involving strength training, cardio, and diet.

2. Use Circuit Training.

Your abs are physiologically different than the other muscles in your body. For example, you might train your biceps by doing 3 sets of 10 of several different exercises while taking a minute to rest in between each set.

Let me tell you, every great ab exercise workout I have ever done has consisted of a series of exercises that systematically alternates different exercises for your upper, lower, and side abs, also called obliques. So when doing your ab exercises, don’t go for the “3 sets of 10 with a minute of rest” approach.

3. Use nutritional perfection for sexy abs.

If you just want to lose body fat in general, you can be a little more lax in your diet as opposed to if you wanted to really get a ripped six pack. Remember, doing the right ab exercises are only a fraction of the formula.

The most important thing is that you want to stay away from what I call “quick carbs.” There are carbs such as white flour, white rice, white bread, pasta, fruit juices, and other junks foods. These foods are very easy for your body to break down. Because they are easy to break down, they raise your blood sugar very high after you eat them. Then, your body releases more insulin to store this excess blood sugar as fat.

If you are going to consume these quick carbs, do it in the morning and in small quantities. At least that way your body has the whole day to burn it off. Don’t forget, doing lots of ab exercises isn’t going to do the trick all by itself!

A better approach would be to eat lots of protein, good fats, and complex carbs. Complex carbs are great because they actually require your body to use calories to digest them. For example, look at fiber. Fiber is a complex carb that is very hard for your body to break down during digestion. In fact, your body has to work so hard to break down foods like fiber that is needs to use extra energy during the process. Fiber also doesn’t cause your blood pressure to rise!

So in this article you have learned that ab exercises are great, but alone are not enough to get you that sexy toned waistline. You also learned that if you want to get a great workout from your ab exercises, circuit training is a great idea. Last, you saw the basis of how a nutrition plan works to lower your body fat.

So keep doing those ab exercises the right way, keep eating right, and be persistent!

To find out more info go to: www.howtosculptabs.cjb.net

Thursday 7 January 2010

How to Sculpt Your Abs

By John Davenport

Getting a flat stomach is hard enough, but if you really want to sculpt your abs to really bring them out, you'll need to take it one step further than simply getting down on a mat and doing crunches. The truth is that scultpting your abs requires you to get lean in a hurry. If you don't get your body fat percentage way down, you will never have the kind of abs that you dream of.

Getting leaner in a hurry requires you to do the kind of exercises that burn the most fat in the least amount of time. There are 2 kinds of workouts which can do that for you:

1. Cardio workouts - We all know what these mean: running, swimming, cycling, aerobics, rowing, and so on . However, it's the way you do cardio which determines how much fat you will lose, and this is crucial if you really want to sculpt your abs to their utmost beauty. The right way to do cardio is to do what is known as HIIT which stands for High Intensity Interval Training. This means changing the pace and intensity of your workouts every few minutes. Doing so will help you to burn more fat in less time.

2. The second thing you need to do to burn belly fat is to increase your muscle tissue. Muscle burns calories and fat. Remember that. So, if you increase your muscle mass, you burn more calories even while you sleep. It's that powerful. To increase muscle mass you need to do strength exercises. This is true for ladies as well. Don't neglect the dumbbells and weight section of your gym. Often, it can be more effective in the long term than cardio workouts.

The final thing you need to do in order to sculpt your abs is to watch what you eat. All of your workouts will not mean a thing if you don't take care not to stuff yourself silly. Watch what you eat, follow the workout tips I've stated above and you will see great results.

To find out more info go to: www.howtosculptabs.cjb.net

Tuesday 5 January 2010

How to Sculpt the Perfect Six Pack

By Kim Roach

Strong Abs help prevent injury, strengthen your back, and
increase athletic performance. Not to mention, they're just plain

However, in a world of instant gratification, it's not so easy to
obtain the body of your dreams. The media is constantly attacking
you with thousands of lies, trying to send you messages about
what you should eat, when you should eat, and where you should

Stop with the nonsense! To sculpt the perfect six pack, you must
inform yourself on the best practices for creating that body.

Pop all the pills you want. Slap on the latest diet pill. Ride
the latest diet of the month.

It doesn't matter. If you are eating more than you're burning,
you will continue to gain body fat.

So, what's the key to long term permanent fat loss?

Proper nutrition and Increased Activity....

The first step to getting six pack abs is losing body fat. This
is the most important factor in developing sexy six-pack abs.
Your six pack will never shine through if it's covered with a
layer of fat. Some of the best cardio exercises for losing fat
are running, biking, jumping rope, aerobics, and climbing stairs.
Start doing any of these activities for 30 minutes at least 4-5
days a week and you will quickly start to see changes in your

To gain a sculpted six pack, you will also need to do some weight
lifting. Your weight lifting routine should be done about 3 days
per week. With more muscle, your metabolism will increase and
begin to burn more calories all day long, even while you're

The next step in sculpting your abs is to properly train them.
Many people make the mistake of overusing and abusing the crunch.
If you do nothing but floor crunches, your abs will never reach
their maximum potential.

You should do a variety of different

ab exercises [http://www.healthyeveryday.com/nutrition/Ab-Exercises.shtml] as well as lower back exercises.

Some of the best abdominal exercises include:

crunches of various types
weighted crunches
twisting crunch
kneeling cable rope crunch
side crunch
reverse crunch
reverse crunch on an incline slant board
hip lift hanging knee-ups
hanging leg raises
Janda Sit Ups
Ab Wheel
Bicycle Crunch

The stability ball is also a great exercise tool for sculpting
great abs. It allows you to call on a wide variety of additional
muscles. This is due to all of the stabilizer muscles that have
to kick in. You also get an extra 15 degrees in range of motion
doing crunches on a stability ball. Here are some good ab
exercises that can be done using the stability ball:

stability ball crunches

stability ball side crunches

stability ball reverse crunches

By incorporating a variety of exercises, you will hit all of the
different abdominal

muscles, including the upper abs, lower abs, obliques, transverse
abdominis, and lower back. However, keep in mind that there are
a few guidelines you should follow when working your abs.

Work your abs about 3 days a week. Like any other muscle in your
body, your abdominals grow while they are at rest. Working them
everyday doesn't give them a chance to grow and get strong.
Proper rest is very important to develop strong muscles.

Pick different exercises every workout. There are literally
hundreds of different ab exercises, allowing you to target all of
the different abdominal muscles as well as the supporting muscles
of the lower back and transverse abdominis. By adding variety to
your ab workouts, your abs will continue to grow after each
workout. Do the same ol' workout every time and you will soon hit
a plateau because the body is built to adapt.

Do your workouts in sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. Focus on
quality rather than quantity.

Make every movement count and take it slow. This is the best way
to chisel those abs.

There is no quick fix. There is no secret. But with steady
dedication, you will soon be on your way to rock-hard abs.

To find out more info go to: www.howtosculptabs.cjb.net